
About Us

Production of corporate, commerical, business and public videos

Pitch Mediaa, we are a group of talented, hard-working and creative professsionals having high spirits to create a masterpiece every time we work.
Our Team

Thinking Creatively is what we're best at, we are proud to say that we always come up with the brightest, most creative ideas that simply drive brands to the top, Whether it's a brianstorming session around a cup of coffee or a business meeting with our client.

Being excellent at what we do has not stopped us from being professional, and we are punctual and determinded to serve our clients with our best customer service.

What we offer

Just like you, we are real people who you can relate to: Friendly and Understanding and able to make the process enjoyable. And most importanly we think creatively. Our deep roots in the markets give us the advantage of knowing exactly what to say to bring your message forward.

With a team of driven and smart people, we've create work's for Our clients and the results speak about our client's success and our making.

Our Main Focus

Some of us come from different backgrounds but here's what we all have in common.

  • Production of corporate, commercials, business and public videos
  • Production of international documentary films and series.
  • Production of 3D HD video projects.
  • Exclusive HD footage archive.

in 3 steps
Project Planning
Design & Develop
Test & Delivery



The era, where we tell and you sell. The value of branding has been a part of our life-hood, even when we weren't at a stage of understanding. Branding is ultimately done to familiarize, our-self in the market. Whatever you do, whatever you produce, whatever you manufacture or import or export, without branding selling isn't easy.

Branding is made to meet you and you target audience on the same platform. In this mode of branding, television commercials stand as on one of the biggest mode of advertising in the sector of selling. This is what we know and this is what we do. We conceptualize, scriptize, produce and deliver the advertisements as you wish, how you wish and when you wish. We tell the people who you are and you sell the people what you do.


Documentation is a process that is mostly related with another word "preserving". An art of making a cause to pause, in the mind of the people who cross it, through whatever medium which might be for a reference or an awareness, that is documentation and presenting it visually is called Documentary.

We know lot of documentaries about wildlife and celebrities, but there are much more. The events, our surroundings, our ethnic happening and values, etc., make the best docmentaries. Come join us in documenting a cause and lets give the busy running world a pause.

Corporate Video

One of the famous quotes stated by a famous personality during his first presidential election campaign was YES! WE CAN... It is none other than The President of The States of America, Barack Obama. YES! WE CAN.. What a mantra it was! It is! And it will be, especially for the corporate structure, in IT Core Structure, in Manufacturing industries and anyone who is associated with it.

The corporate videos are done by the big companies for several reasons, some of them are to appreciate the working class on all hierachical fronts, from low to the high in their making and success, to show the world and the clients, what they are capable of and to say that they are the best in what they do. For you to say this, we help you in conceptualization, scripilization and production of your corporate video for your clients and the world on a cinematic view of how they want to see. Do you think we wont!!!

Our Works

Reach Us

Our Office

No. 76A (NP), 11th Street,
SIDCO Industrial Estate,
Ambattur, Chennai - 600098.
Tamil Nadu, India.

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